Go Deep
(Philippians 1:9-11)
What is the most conspicuous quality (excluding physical appearance or tone of voice) about you? What would you like it to be?
Read the following verses: Matthew 22:37-40; Matthew 5:43-48; Romans 13:8; Romans 13:10; Galatians 5:14; James 2:8; John 13:35. What insights do you gain from these passages?
Toward what goal is God directing the world, according to Ephesians 1:9-10?
What kinds of challenges will we face if we don’t understand that God is working toward the goal mentioned above? What kinds of challenges will we face if we do understand it?
Explain what love has got to do with Jesus becoming the head of all things in heaven and on earth (Eph. 1:10)?
How are love and knowledge related (Phil. 1:9)?
Can’t a person abound in knowledge and insight (perception) without love? Explain your answer.
Follow the trail from love to the ability to discern what is best (verses 9-10). In what way does love enable a person to discern what is best?
In Romans 12:2, the word here rendered “discern” is translated “test and approve.” In Phil. 1:10, just what is being tested and approved?
How will the ability “to discern what is best” enable the Philippians to remain pure and blameless?
Verse 10: “Pure” has the idea of being ready for inspection in the light (as in, “under a microscope”). “Blameless” has the idea of avoiding a fall. How are these traits related to what comes next in verse 11?
Verse. 11: What kind of fruit does righteousness grow? What is righteousness?
If a person said to you, “I want to live to the glory of God,” what advice (based on this passage) would you give him or her?