Go Deep

(Mark 14:32-42)

Read Mark 14:32-42 and jot down any insights or questions you have.

What might be some reasons that Jesus chose these three men to go with him deeper into the garden?

Verse 33 says that Jesus became deeply distressed. The primary meaning of the word thus translated is “perplexed.” Does it surprise you to find Jesus described as perplexed? What was he perplexed (amazed, confused) about?

The word translated “troubled” in the NIV (v. 33) has the idea of bearing so much weight that one crumples under the load. What must the disciples have felt when they saw Jesus in this state?

When Jesus told the disciples to stay and keep watch, what were they to be watching for? What, if anything, does watching have to do with prayer (v. 38)?

Jesus tells Peter to watch and pray so that he will not fall into temptation. How would watching and praying prevent such a fall?

What is the devil trying to accomplish when he tempts someone? What is at the heart of all temptation?

Read verses 35-36. What was Jesus wanting his Father to do for him?

Jesus prays, “Yet not what I will, but what you will.” It sounds like Jesus had a will that was independent of God. Is that true? Is God’s goal that we should no longer have a will of our own?

Read 1 Cor. 10:13. What kinds of things might a person who stands up under temptation do differently from a person who falls into it?

Read Matthew 26:38-42. Notice the change in Jesus’s prayers. Does this indicate a shift in his praying? If so, what would the meaning of that shift be?

How can we apply the truths in this passage to ourselves?