Go Deep
(Romans 12:1-2)
Do you agree that it is possible to be in the presence of God and not know it? How could this be?
What would it mean for a person to worship himself or herself? Do you think a person must like himself to engage in self-worship? Explain your answer.
Do you agree that people who won’t worship God will end up worshiping something else? (See Romans 1:21-23.) How does believing on Jesus realign a person’s worship? Do you think this happens all at once?
Why is it that worshiping God causes other things in life to fall into place?
What does it mean to say that “worship is a verb?” Why is it important to know this?
Does worship involve a performance? In a church setting, who are the worship performers and who is the audience? What might happen if we confuse the two?
Do you agree that worship is not something that happens “inside you” but something that comes from you to God? What difference does this make?
Is it possible for us to use the parts of a worship service that we don’t appreciate to worship God? Have you been able to this? If so, how?
Read 1 Peter 2:5. What are these “spiritual sacrifices”? (cf. Hebrews 13:15-16; Ps. 116:17)
Read Romans 12:1. Paul makes this appeal based on God’s mercies. What “mercies” did he have in mind?
In what sense does one “present” his or her body to God? Would someone know if they had done this? How might it happen?
How can we apply what we’ve seen about worship to ourselves, both as individuals and as a group?