Nehemiah 2


Have you had any recent opportunities to listen to God while you were in a conversation with someone else? How did you do?


Shayne said, “If we say to God, “Here I am, and here I’m going to stay; send someone else,” we’re not going to see answers to prayer.” Is there a danger here of emphasizing our works unduly?


Read Nehemiah 2:1-12.


Which is easier for you: to ask God for something or to ask someone else? Why do you think that is?

Have you ever (perhaps subconsciously) thought of prayer as a substitute for careful thinking and hard work?

What does this mean: “He who believes will not be in haste” (Isaiah 28:16)? How might it work out in a person’s life?

Have you ever prayed about a situation, only to see it go from bad to worse? What did you do then? How can we endure setbacks without giving up?

Do you use prayer primarily as a way to get out of trouble? How could you be more consistent in using prayer as a way of joining God in what he is doing?

Why do you think Nehemiah waited to tell people what God had put in his heart?

Have you ever felt that God put something in your heart? What did you do with it?

What helps you discern whether something on your heart comes from God or from your imagination?

How can a person make room in his/her heart for God’s word?