Go Deep
(Matthew 2:1-18)
Verse 1: “After Jesus was born…” How long after? Are there any clues in the text?
Why would God reveal the birth of his Son to pagan, idolatrous astrologers?
Why did God not reveal the birth of his Son to the priests and scholars of his own people, mentioned in verse 5-6? How would you describe these religious leaders?
Do you think that people who have lots of Bible knowledge but ignore Christ (e.g., the chief priests and the teachers of the law) do more harm than good—can Bible knowledge cause harm? If so, how?
Do you think the Magi had any clue that Herod was misleading them?
Do you think Herod admitted to himself that he was evil or was doing evil?
Why did the appearance of a star lead the Magi to believe a king had been born in Judea?
After the Magi had accomplished what they came to do and God’s purpose had been served, God continued to protect them from King Herod. What does this tell us about what God is like?
What do you see in this passage that demonstrates God’s power and his wisdom? Why is it important for us to understand that God is so smart? Has that insight ever helped you?
Note any similarities between the divine notice the Magi received to avoid Herod and the command Joseph received to flee to Egypt? Are there dissimilarities?
Read the entire text again, and jot down any insights that you may have.