Go Deep
(Luke 1:26-51)
Read Luke 1:26-38. What caught your attention? Any insights into the text?
Many scholars believe that Mary would have been young – perhaps between 12 and 14-years-old. If this is true, how does it impact your thinking?
What do you think troubled (or “confused) Mary about the angel’s greeting (v. 29)?
Compare Mary’s response to the angel with Zechariah’s (v. 12). Does Mary seem as frightened as Zechariah? What might account for the difference?
According to verse 30, Mary “found favor with God.” What might this mean?
Do you think Mary understood the angel to mean that she would get pregnant before she was married (v. 31)?
Read verse 31-33 again. What was the angel telling Mary about her child?
In verse 34, Mary asks the common-sense question, “How?” Have you ever thought you knew what God wanted for you but did not know how it could happen? Explain.
Do you think Mary understood what the angel was telling her in verse 35?
What was the angel’s purpose in mentioning Elizabeth?
Has there ever been anyone in your life who was an example to you of what God can do for a person? Describe that person and situation.
In what ways was Mary’s assignment going to prove difficult? Do you think Mary realized it would be difficult when she first understood what the angel meant?
How can the answer to the “Who” question help us when we don’t have an answer to the “How” question?
How does Mary’s song (Luke 1:46-56) reveal what kind of God she believes the LORD to be?