Go Deep

(Hebrews 11:8-16)

In verse 8, the word translated “obeyed” comes from a root meaning to listen. Before we can obey, we must hear God speak. How can we get better at this?

If you have a “By faith, I obeyed, not knowing where it would lead” story, think through it now. How did God prove faithful?

Verse 9 (my translation): “By faith he lived as a resident alien…” Peter uses the noun form of this same word to describe Christians in the world (1 Peter 1:17; 2:11). In what ways does Peter expect us to live as resident aliens?

Read v. 10. What is the significance of the word “for” at the beginning of the verse? How might waiting expectantly change attitudes and behaviors?

Read v. 11. How did Sarah receive the power to conceive? How was she able to believe after years of disappointment and resignation to childlessness?

If God makes a promise, does he take any responsibility to help his people believe it?

Read v. 13. Why does the author say that “These all died in faith” (NIV: “All these people were still living by faith when they died.”)? What is he getting at?

In what sense did the people mentioned in verse 13 “greet” the things promised but as yet unreceived? What did this greeting entail?

The faithful of verse 13 “acknowledged” themselves to be aliens and strangers? How might this acknowledgment be helpful to a Christian? How can we remember that we are “alien residents” here?

In v. 14, the acknowledgment that one is an alien is a “tell” or “giveaway” that signals a person is looking for a homeland. Can you think of any other “tells” that a person is seeking a better place?

Read v. 15. Have you known people who couldn’t stop thinking about the past? How did that affect them? How would you counsel someone who was constantly remembering and being drawn back into “that from which they came?”

The word translated “desire” (NIV, “longing”) in v. 16 is used two other times, once translated “sets his heart” and the other “eager for” [money].  Are we as eager for the heavenly country as we are for riches? What can a believer do to increase his desire for the age to come?