Go Deep

(Hebrews 10:5-18)

Read Hebrews 10:1-13. What does any of this have to do with Christmas?

What is the connection between the “therefore” / “wherefore” of verse 5 and what went before?

Read: Psalm 50:7-15; Isaiah 1:11; Jeremiah 6:20; Amos 5:21-22. How do we avoid the trap of going through the motions? Based on the passages above, would you say that religion is a good thing or a bad thing—or potentially both?

What did it cost Christ to come into the world (See 2 Cor. 8:9)? Be specific.

To what do the “first” and “second” of verse 9 refer?

Why is being “made holy” or “sanctified” (verse 10) important to our author?

Is there a connection between Christ’s sanctification (verses 5, 7) and ours? (cf. John 17:18-19) What is the connection?

What God wills is important in this passage (the word, though translated in various ways, appears 4 times). Based on this passage, what would you say God’s will is?

In verses 11 and 12 the author contrasts the priest who stands every day to perform his duties and Christ who sat down. What is the significance of this contrast?

Read verse 13 and compare it to Ps 110:1; Ac 2:35; 1Co 15:25.

What encouragement do you take from verse 14? What warning?

What is the reason for stating there is no sacrifice left (v. 18; cf.  v. 26)