Go Deep

Strengthened with Power (Eph. 3:14-19)

Read the passage. Note anything that stands out to you.

What are some reasons you pray? What motivates you?

Why does Paul pray this prayer for the Ephesians? When he writes, “For this reason,” what reason does he have in mind?

If Paul (in verse 14) is finishing the thought he started in verse 1 before interrupting himself (compare the verses), what is the reason for his prayer? Could verse 12 have anything to do with the reason he mentions?

Do you think God wants to strengthen you with might? If so, why might he want to do this?

How does God’s empowerment differ from what our society usually thinks of as empowerment?

What is the “inner being” (“inner person” or “inside man/woman”)?

Agree or disagree? “[God] seems to do nothing of Himself which He can possibly delegate to His creatures. He commands us to do slowly and blunderingly what He could do perfectly and in the twinkling of an eye” (C. S. Lewis).

In what sense does Paul want Christ to dwell in the Ephesians hearts? Would someone know if Christ was dwelling in their heart? How?

Why is it important that Christ dwell in a person’s heart? How does his dwelling there fit with God’s overall purpose (see Eph. 1:10 and 2:21-22)?

Is Christian conversion a “one and done” kind of thing or is it in some sense ongoing? Give reasons for your answer.

Do you think the process of making a person fit for Christ to dwell in his/her heart is painless? What are some elements of this process?

For whom can you pray this prayer? (Consider letting them know you are praying for them.)