Go Deep
(1 Peter 3:14-4:6)
Read 1 Peter 3:14-15. What steps can a person take to better understand his/her hope and articulate the reason for it to a non-Christian?
Give some examples of Christian behavior that would prompt serious questions from non-Christians. Are any of these behaviors a regular part of your life?
Read 3:16. Can a bold and strong Christian be gentle and respectful in gospel conversations? How would a gentle Christian’s conversation with an inquirer differ from an ungentle one?
How would “respect” manifest itself in a gospel conversation with an unbeliever? Give some examples.
Read 3:18. For what purpose did Christ suffer, according to Peter? Could our sufferings serve a similar purpose in some way?
Read 4:1-2. What is the attitude (or mindset) Peter is thinking about in verse 1? How would a person go about arming him/herself with an attitude – any attitude? What steps would need to be taken?
According to 4:1, why should a person arm themselves with this attitude? In what sense does Christ’s suffering provide a model for us?
How does this kind of suffering bring a person (4:2) to live their remaining time on earth for God’s will and not for human desires (Greek, lusts)? What are these desires? (Give examples.)
In 4:2-3, Peter contrasts the will of God with the will of Gentiles or pagans (literal translation of “what pagans choose/will to do). What is it that pagans will? Do Christians will something different? If so, what?
If you are one of the pagans of verse 4, why do you think your Christian friend’s behavior is “strange”? What is it about him/her that doesn’t make sense to you?
According to verse 5, God is ready to judge the living and the dead. Should a person fear this judgment? Explain your answer.