Go Deep

(1 Peter 2:9-25)

Read 1 Peter 1:9: Explain the Christian’s mission here (the “that you may…)? Why do you think Christians are given this mission? Where is it carried out? How?

In verse 11, Peter tells his readers to “stay away from fleshly desires” (lit. translation). Give a few examples of these desires. In what sense do they “war against the soul? How can a Jesus-follower stay away from them?

Read verse 12. Does it surprise you that people were speaking against the Christians and accusing them of wrongdoing? Are people doing this today? Explain the strategy Peter sets down for changing this? Will his strategy work?

Read verse 13 and 14. What exactly does Peter expect people to do—what does submission to authorities look like? Is this submission unconditional? Why do you think Peter tells these Christians to submit?

Read verse 15. How are Christians supposed to “silence the ignorant talk of foolish men”? What, do you suppose, did this ignorant talk consist of? Is there ignorant talk about Christians today? Do you think we can silence it by reasoning and debating? Why or why not?

Read verse 16. Is Peter contradicting himself when he tells Christians to live as free people then turns right around and tells them to live as God’s slaves (NIV, “servants”)?

Read verse 18. Why did Peter want Christian slaves to submit to their masters? If a person’ boss is mean or unfair, do they still need to submit?

Does God require me to submit to a person who is going against God’s will? How would I know when a refusal to submit is in order?

What does it mean to submit because one is “conscious of God” (v. 19)? What is commendable about this?

What does submission entail? Is it only about doing what someone else wants?

 How can we apply this passage to our lives and church?