Go Deep
(1 Peter 2:21-25)
Read 1 Peter 2:12-18 and answer the following question: How do verses 21- 25 fit into this section? How do they connect to 12-18?
People often speak of following Jesus or call Christians “Jesus followers.” Do you think that following Jesus has anything to do with following his example? How are they related?
Read verse 21. Try to put into words what the example is that Jesus left for people to follow. What does this example have to do with suffering?
Do you sometimes think of Jesus (or something he has done) as an example to follow? If so, what is the example he set that you are trying to follow?
Do you think a person will mature spiritually if he/she is trying to follow Jesus’s example? What if they are not trying to follow his example?
List some specifics regarding Jesus’s example in suffering. What did he do (or not do) that we should do (or not do)?
Imagine that someone has done something bad to you or said something malicious about you. How could you “entrust yourself” to God the way Jesus did? What would that entail?
Read verse 24. What does it mean that Jesus “bore our sins”? What does bearing sins have to do with salvation?
In this passage, Peter refers to Isaiah 53 repeatedly (a passage to which Jesus also referred). Read Isaiah 53. What insights do you gain?
According to verse 24, for what purposes did Jesus bear our sins on the tree? Is this how you think of the purpose of Jesus’s sacrificial death?
What does Jesus’s death have to do with the new covenant?
Read verse 25 (also a reference to Isaiah 53). What does Peter mean that “you were like sheep going astray”?
What does the Bible mean when it speaks of Jesus as a “shepherd”? What does a shepherd do for his flock? (Compare John 10:10-18; Acts 20:28-31).
What could you do to experience Jesus more frequently and fully as “Shepherd and Overseer”?