Go Deep

(1 Peter 1:6-9)

Read 1 Peter 1:3-9 for context.

In verse 6, Peter says that “In this you greatly rejoice…” What is it that prompts this great rejoicing?

If we are shielded by God’s power (v. 5), why do we still get sick? Why are we treated badly? Why do “accidents” happen to us?

In verse 6, Peter says that “now for a little while” Christians may have to suffer grief. What do you think he means by a little while?

“Suffer grief” in verse 6 translates the verb “grieving.” Can Christians “greatly rejoice” (v. 5) and grieve (v. 6) at the same time? What is it that Christians are grieving about?

In verse 6, Peter speaks of “all kinds of trials.” Name some of the common trials that Christians must endure. Which kind do you think are most difficult to bear: health trials, financial trials, or relational trials? Why do you answer that way?

In verse 7, Peter explains why Christians must endure testing. Put his answer into your own words and explain why Christians are tested.

Think of the last “test” you endured (or perhaps are enduring right now). Do you think that test achieved (or is achieving) the purpose for which God intended it? Explain your answer.

Peter says that faith is of greater worth than gold. Explain why this is so.

Even tested gold perishes (v. 7). Do you think genuine faith ever perishes? Explain the reasons for your answer.

Genuine faith (v. 7) results in praise, glory, and honor. To whom does this praise, glory, and honor go?

Do you think the testing of verses 6 and 7 has anything to do with the love and joy of verse 8? Explain.

How does verse 9 fit in? What does it mean that we are receiving the salvation of our souls (present tense)?