Go Deep

(1 Corinthians 11:17-33)

Read 1 Corinthians 11:17-31. What caught your attention? Any insights into the text?

Explain why Paul is so troubled by divisions and differences (vv. 18-19).

Does it surprise you that people were getting drunk at a church function? Does it surprise you that Paul doesn’t make a bigger deal of this? Explain.

Paul says that the Corinthians are despising the church of God and humiliating others (v. 22). How are they doing these two things?

What does it mean to “do this” in remembrance of (literally, “as a remembrance to”) Jesus? Is a remembrance more than remembering information? If so, how?


What is the difference between coming to communion to remember our sins and coming to remember Christ?


Jesus mentioned the new covenant at the table on the night he was betrayed. What is the new covenant (see Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Hebrews 8:10-12)?


Shayne mentioned three things the Lord’s Supper does for us (though, of course, there are more): It proclaims Christian unity, provides occasion for remembering Jesus, and evokes wonder. Would you say the Lord’s Supper does that at Cal Road? Explain your answer.


Think of the illustration Shayne gave of Robert E. Lee’s church in Richmond. The church’s (and the community’s) thinking about communion was clearly wrong, but why was it wrong?


Why should we examine ourselves when we come to the Lord’s table? For what should we be looking?


In what sense is the future present in the communion meal? What could church leaders do (and what can we do) to better experience hope of the future at the Communion Table?


What would make your participation in the Lord’s Supper a richer experience for you? For the church?